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October 2013


posted at 06/10/13

Beste/Dear (English below),

Hierbij wil ik uw aandacht vragen voor een crowdfund-campagne op

Wij, The Act of Painting, willen met de opbrengst het transport van Mayako Nakamura's Emaki Study van Tokyo naar Enschede financieren.

Mayako Nakamura woont en werkt in Tokyo, zij studeerde in 1999 af aan de Musashino Art University en heeft sindsdien talloze tentoonstellingen gehad, oa. in Japan en in de VS. ( De Emaki Study is een werk op een papieren rol van 1,50 m hoog en 30 m breed en zal deel gaan uit maken van de tentoonstelling die The Act of Painting van 7 november tot 1 december organiseert in TETEM kunstruimte Enschede.

Deze tentoonstelling is de eerste in een reeks tentoonstellingen die voert langs Enschede, Tokyo, Nagoya en wellicht in de toekomst ook Berlijn, Londen, New York en andere grote of kleinere steden over de hele wereld zal aandoen. Een doel daarbij is de essentie van abstracte schilderkunst bloot te leggen en samenwerkingen aan te gaan met kunstenaars en mensen die zich inzetten om kunst zichtbaar te maken en betekenis te geven.

De transportkosten Tokyo-Enschede bedragen ongeveer 800 euro, wij doen een beroep op u en stellen in ruil voor uw bijdrage tekeningen, werk in oplage en schilderijen ter beschikking.

Meer details kunt u vinden op:

Wij danken u voor uw eventuele ondersteuning!

The Act of Painting,

Raymond Cuijpers (Amsterdam, NL) en Jeroen Hofhuizen (Maastricht, NL)


The Act of Painting is an initiative by a group of international artists who want to show what the essence of abstract painting can be about. It is our goal to travel throughout the world and organize exhibitions. On November 7th the premiere exhibition will be held in Enschede, The Netherlands, at TETEM Free Art Space. (Dutch only)

One of the contributing artists is Mayako Nakamura. She is a Japanese born artist, 1976 Tokyo. She graduated in 1999 from Musashino Art University, faculty of paining.

This campaign is about bringing a particular artwork to Europe, the Netherlands. It is titled 'Emaki Study'. The “Emaki Study” is an experimental work of time, space and the artist.For an in depth interview and explanation about this magnificent work of art you can read an extensive interview with Mayako Nakamura


Part of the interview: 'Yes, the emakis are traditionally narrative. At first, I thought of utilizing only the format of “emaki,” since I wanted to draw something huge in a limited studio space. I do not have clear intentions to form a narrative throughout the scroll, but in broader views, I feel the whole scroll is a collective result of my daily “subconscious” stories. I am etermined to free my body, mind and kokoro* through working on “emaki.”

It is of great importance to have 'The Emaki study' as part of the exhibition in The Netherlands. It is a vital piece of art which complements the whole. Without it the exhibition will be incomplete and fall apart.

For a deeper insight about The Act of Painting you can have a look here:

You will find more in depth interviews with the participating artists. A list of exhibitions already planned. Next to these exhibitions The Act of Painting will travell to Amsterdam, New York, London, Berlin and other places. So any funding above our goal will be used for the next exhibition coming up!

If you are unable to support us financialy please feel free to share this project in any social network.

Thank you very much for your support!

The Act of Painting,

Raymond Cuijpers (Amsterdam, NL) en Jeroen Hofhuizen (Maastricht, NL)


